About ROG The Rusty Old Gamer

We are Rusty Old Gamers , Bought up on old school gaming systems like Binatone, Amstrad and Sega. Our Pc's had no hard drives just floppy media and we would go to the pub to play space invaders.

We moved on to early Nintendo's , 386 computers and original PlayStation plus other great consoles that sadly never made it. 

Download was not invented our internet far to slow , we had to buy game cartridges adding greatly to the experience  rushing to get the latest game home and gasping at the latest graphics.

Let's be honest those where better times.

However a gamer only dies in games, we maybe older, slower with the thumbs and a little rusty but our hearts still beat fast when a new game or technology is released.


Our mission is to supply the latest tech to ROGS of the present and Future and maybe have some fun along the way.